Royal Selangor X Batman – 蝙蝠俠 限量版錫合金手辦模型 (39.5cm) (RYS-017911-FIG395-BM)




Royal Selangor 皇家雪蘭娥是世界知名的錫製器具品牌,創立於1885,總部設於馬來西亞吉隆坡。錫材具有柔軟的特點,可透過各種手工技藝做出非常多樣的工藝效果。同時錫器富有光澤、無毒、不易氧化變色,是排在白金、黃金、銀後面的第4種貴金屬。Royal Selangor 所採用之錫材含有92-97%的純錫,另外加入少量銅及銻以增加其硬度。這種處理方式使錫材比純錫更沉重、硬度更高,更為適合做成不同的器具。

  • Warner Bros. 官方授權產品(包裝盒附官方授權證書)

    • 全球限量300個 (每個均有獨立編號)

    • 手部可以更換 (持刀或不持刀)

    • 物料:錫合金(>90%錫, 銅及銻)

    • 尺寸:高39.5CM(連底座), 底座37 X 24CM

    • 包裝:精美原廠禮盒、限量版簡介小冊子

    • A limited edition of 300 individually numbered pieces worldwide.

      Designed by XM Studios and their creative partners, Batman meets samurai in this spectacular multi-genre mash-up, where feudal Japan, modern technology and Neo Tokyo influences collide.

      Royal Selangor’s 1/6 scale replica reproduces every detail of XM’s dramatic original. Batman, his foot on an especially grotesque onigawara, is clad in an elaborate pseudo-steampunk take on samurai armour, brandishing a pair of formidable katana. Held in place by magnetic fittings, the hands can be switched out for ones grasping batarangs. All pewter, on a bonded porcelain base.

      About the replica
      XM Studios is an award-winning producer of premium art collectibles, working with an international community of talented collaborators. Based in Singapore, XM’s franchise properties include DC Comics, Hasbro, Marvel and Star Wars.



