Royal Selangor X Marvel – 美國隊長 限量版錫合金手辦模型 (31.5cm) (RYS-017921-FIG315-CA)




Royal Selangor 皇家雪蘭娥是世界知名的錫製器具品牌,創立於1885,總部設於馬來西亞吉隆坡。錫材具有柔軟的特點,可透過各種手工技藝做出非常多樣的工藝效果。同時錫器富有光澤、無毒、不易氧化變色,是排在白金、黃金、銀後面的第4種貴金屬。Royal Selangor 所採用之錫材含有92-97%的純錫,另外加入少量銅及銻以增加其硬度。這種處理方式使錫材比純錫更沉重、硬度更高,更為適合做成不同的器具。

  • Marvel 官方授權產品(包裝盒附官方授權證書)

  • 全球限量3000個 (每個均有獨立編號)

  • 物料:錫合金(>90%錫, 銅及銻)

  • 尺寸:高31.5CM(連底座), 底座24.5 X 18.5CM

  • 包裝:精美原廠禮盒、限量版簡介小冊子

  • Steve Rogers’ stance on a superhero’s right to independence has put him at loggerheads not only with Tony Stark and SHIELD, but with world governments and the public at large. On the run with his band of renegade Avengers, Captain America knows he must take a stand.

    Designed by Studio HIVE and brought to life by sculptor Mufizal Mokhtar, a superbly realised pewter Captain stands resolute on the back of a powerfully sculpted bonded porcelain eagle, that emotive American symbol of patriotism and freedom, the determination to fight for what he believes in more than apparent in his demeanour.

    Best known for his work on the Assassin’s Creed game series, Malaysian Mufizal Mokhtar’s sculptural works are also much sought after by fans worldwide. Bangkok-based Studio HIVE develops creative content for the international comics and gaming industry.



